What do I need to drive in France?

“What do I need to drive in France?” is a question that we get asked time after time and it’s obvious that many people don’t look into it carefully enough before heading off across the channel. This was quite evident during our latest camping holiday when we were in the queue at Dover and were handed a leaflet from a P&O employee detailing what we’d need when driving in France.


Autoroutes are the French version of motorways and are generally the easiest and quickest way to drive in France. The majority of Autoroutes are run by private companies for the government and they therefore charge fees or tolls for you to travel along them. Although it’s possible to drive in France without using the Autoroutes, we wouldn’t recommend it for those on long journeys.

Learn to Ride with Eurocamp

If you have children aged 3-6 years old why not help them to learn to ride with Eurocamp. Learning to ride a bike is part and parcel of growing up and what better way to learn then when you’re on holiday. Holidays are great for creating wonderful memories but watching and helping your children learn to ride is a very special moment for most parents, so why not combine them.