The Classic dish Moules Frites is possibly one of the most basic yet popular meals to be eaten in France.
Eaten frequently in Normandy and Brittany, this French classic has been eaten for years because it’s quick to cook and very filling.
Moules Frites is real comfort food. Using readily available and inexpensive ingredients, together with some simple cooking methods provides you with a hearty dish which is fit for all the family.
Muscles are farmed in many regions of France and the great thing about them is that they can be obtained all year due to their plentiful supply.
One of the key points to remember is that the fresher the muscles and other ingredients are, the better. To tell if your muscles are fresh, simply look for shiny muscles which are closed and that have no fishy smell.
This simple yet classic meal can be on your table within 30 minutes from start to finish.
Ingredients for Moules Frites
Ingredients required for four people are as follows:
- 2 kg of fresh muscles
- 150 ml of dry white wine
- 20 g of unsalted butter
- 3 shallots finely chopped
- 3 garlic cloves finely chopped
- 150 ml of double cream
- A handful of parsley leaves
- Four large potatoes
- Bottle of wine or cider
Cooking Moules Fites
There are several easy steps to following when cooking Moules Frites.
The Moules
- Wash the muscles in plenty of cold water, any that don’t close when squeezed or that float throw away.
- Remove any barnacles or beards that are present.
- Soften the shallots in the butter in a pan large enough for all the ingredients.
- Add the garlic, white wine and turn up the heat until boiling.
- Add the muscles, cover and steam 3 to 4 minutes making sure you shake the pan occasionally until they open.
- Pour in the creme and chopped parsley and cook for a further minute.
- Remove from the heat and discard any muscles that have not opened.
- Finally, spoon the Moules into bowls and serve with the frites and wine or cider.
The Frites
- Peel and chop the potatoes into thin strips.
- Wash the frites thoroughly.
- Dry the frites with a paper towel.
- Fill a pan with oil and bring to the boil.
- Carefully place the frites into the oil and heat until golden brown.
As an alternative to frites, why not try thin potato wedges. Wash and dry the potatoes and cut into thin strips complete with skin. Then simply place onto an oiled baking sheet spray with olive oil. Season with salt and then bake in an oven for 20-30 minutes at 200 degrees.
The best way to experience the joys of Moules Frites is, of course, to eat them at a restaurant, cafe or bistro in France. However, if you fancy giving it a go yourself have a look at these traditional styled Moules pots.
Book your camping holiday in France and taste a real Classic Moules Frites! Find out more about the Campsites in Brittany we feature on Go Camp France.
Campsites in Brittany